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Xuat vith xuil uns'aa, Usstan wo naut vith xuil dos.

Favorite Quotes[]



  • Oderint dum metua
  • Fear is the foundation of most governments.
  • He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.
    • Variant: I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who overcomes his enemies.
    • Aristotle, Quoted in Florilegium by Joannes Stobaeus
  • Nothing is terrible except fear itself.
    • Francis Bacon, De Augmentis Scientiarum, Book II, Fortitudo (1623).
  • Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural fear in children is increased with tales, so is the other.
  • No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.
    • Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1756).
  • The concessions of the weak are the concessions of fear.
    • Edmund Burke, Second Speech on Conciliation with America. The Thirteen Resolutions (March 22, 1775).
  • Early and provident fear is the mother of safety.
    • Edmund Burke, speech on the petition of the Unitarians, House of Commons (May 11, 1792); in The Works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke (1899), vol. 7, p. 50.
  • There is a courageous wisdom; there is also a false, reptile prudence, the result not of caution but of fear.
    • Attributed to Edmund Burke; reported as unverified in Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations (1989).
  • The fear of some divine and supreme powers keeps men in obedience.
    • Robert Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy, Part III, Section 4, member 1, subsec. 2 (1621-1651).
  • Surrendering to fear and allowing ourselves to be paralyzed by peril isn't something most of us can afford to do.
  • The point is, we can decry the dangers we face or ignore them or even allow ourselves to be paralyzed by fear.
  • Fear is sharp-sighted, and can see things underground, and much more in the skies.
  • So much of "normal, civilized" life is bull that you can't imagine. ... What frightens you, doesn't frighten me, what frightens me, you'd laugh at.
  • Who is all-powerful should fear everything.
  • Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.
    • Marie Curie, As quoted in Our Precarious Habitat (1973) by Melvin A. Benarde, p. v.
  • Death in itself is nothing; but we fear
    To be we know not what, we know not where.
  • Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.
  • It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, — always do what you are afraid to do.
  • O friend, never strike sail to a fear! Come into port greatly, or sail with God the seas.
    • Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Heroism", Essays: First Series (1903; vol. 2 of The Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson), p. 259–60.
  • Depend on me; never fear your enemies. Ill warrant We make more noise than they.
    • Henry Fielding, in The Universal Gallant : Or, the Different Husbands, A Comedy (1735)
  • None but a coward dares to boast that he has never known fear.
    • Ferdinand Foch, As quoted in Encarta Book of Quotations (2000) by Bill Swainson and Anne H. Soukhanov, p. 338
  • You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.
    • Eric Hoffer, The Passionate State Of Mind, and Other Aphorisms Section 222 (1955)
  • Never fear your, enemies. A bold fight is the best: we should advance, and not retrograde.
    • William Alanson Howard, in Official Proceedings of the National Republican Conventions of 1868, 1872, 1876, and 1880 (1903), p. 250
  • Our work for peace must begin within the private world of each one of us. To build for man a world without fear, we must be without fear. To build a world of justice, we must be just. And how can we fight for liberty if we are not free in our own minds? How can we ask others to sacrifice if we are not ready to do so?... Only in true surrender to the interest of all can we reach that strength and independence, that unity of purpose, that equity of judgment which are necessary if we are to measure up to our duty to the future, as men of a generation to whom the chance was given to build in time a world of peace.
  • Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.
    • William James, in "Is Life Worth Living?" The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy (1897)
  • "Freedom from fear" could be said to sum up the whole philosophy of human rights.
  • Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.
    • John F. Kennedy, inaugural address (January 20, 1961); in The Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: John F. Kennedy, 1961, p. 2.
  • For as children tremble and fear everything in the blind darkness, so we in the light sometimes fear what is no more to be feared than the things children in the dark hold in terror and imagine will come true.
    • Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things), Book II, l. 87.
  • From this arises the question whether it is better to be loved rather than feared, or feared rather than loved. It might perhaps be answered that we should wish to be both: but since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved.
  • I must say a word about fear. It is life's only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life.
  • I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
  • C'est de quoi j'ai le plus de peur que la peur.
  • Hatred does not exist as a basic psychological structure. It is, however, the result of psychological manipulation of fear; and fear is not a basic psychological structure.
    • Jane Roberts, in The Early Sessions: Book 2, Session 75, Page 271
  • L'amour de la justice n'est en la plupart des hommes que la crainte de souffrir l'injustice.
    • The love of justice is simply in the majority of men the fear of suffering injustice.
    • François de La Rochefoucauld, Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims, Maxim 78 (1665–1678).
  • Notre repentir n'est pas tant un regret du mal que nous avons fait, qu'une crainte de celui qui nous en peut arriver.
    • Our repentance is not so much sorrow for the ill we have done as a fear of the ill that may befall us.
    • François de La Rochefoucauld, Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims, Maxim 180 (1665–1678).
  • Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
    • Franklin D. Roosevelt, inaugural address (March 4, 1933); in The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933 (1938), p. 11.
  • We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression — everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way — everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want...everywhere in the world. The fourth is freedom from fear...anywhere in the world.
  • No man is liberated from fear who dare not see his place in the world as it is; no man can achieve the greatness of which he is capable until he has allowed himself to see his own littleness.
  • Religion is based, I think, primarily and mainly upon fear.
    • Bertrand Russell, Why I Am Not a Christian (1927), "Fear, the Foundation of Religion"
  • To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.
  • Christianity offers reasons for not fearing death or the universe, and in so doing it fails to teach adequately the virtue of courage. The craving for religious faith being largely an outcome of fear, the advocates of faith tend to think that certain kinds of fear are not to be deprecated. In this, to my mind, they are gravely mistaken. To allow oneself to entertain pleasant beliefs as a means of avoiding fear is not to live in the best way. In so far as religion makes its appeal to fear, it is lowering to human dignity.
  • There are two ways of coping with fear: one is to diminish the external danger, and the other is to cultivate Stoic endurance. The latter can be reinforced, except where immediate action is necessary, by turning our thoughts away from the cause of fear. The conquest of fear is of very great importance. Fear is in itself degrading; it easily becomes an obsession; it produces hate of that which is feared, and it leads headlong to excesses of cruelty. Nothing has so beneficent an effect on human beings as security. ...Fear, at present, overshadows the world. ...If matters are to improve, the first and essential step is to find a way of diminishing fear.
    • Bertrand Russell, Nobel Lecture: What Desires Are Politically Important? (11 December, 1950).
  • Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.
    • Bertrand Russell, "A Liberal Decalogue", New York Times Magazine (16 December, 1951).
  • The fear of death is more to be dreaded than death itself.
  • Fear cannot be without hope nor hope without fear.
  • The greatest weakness of all weaknesses is to fear too much to appear weak.
    • Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, Politique Tirée de l'Écriture Sainte (Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture) (1679 - published 1709).
  • For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
  • Man’s basic anxiety … drives the anxious subject to establish objects of fear. Anxiety strives to become fear, because fear can be met by courage. … Horror is ordinarily avoided by the transformation of anxiety into fear of something, no matter what. The human mind is not only, as Calvin has said, a permanent factory of idols, it is also a permanent factory of fears—the first in order to escape God, the second in order to escape anxiety. … But ultimately the attempts to transform anxiety into fear are vain. The basic anxiety, the anxiety of a finite being about the threat of nonbeing, cannot be eliminated. It belongs to existence itself.
  • When I can read my title clear
    To mansions in the skies,
    I'll bid farewell to every fear,
    And wipe my weeping eyes.
    • Isaac Watts, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Book II, hymn 65.
  • Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
  • Like one that on a lonesome road
    Doth walk in fear and dread,
    And having once turned round walks on,
    And turns no more his head;
    Because he knows, a frightful fiend
    Doth close behind him tread.
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Part VI, st. 10 (1798).
  • Fair seedtime had my soul, and I grew up
    Fostered alike by beauty and by fear.
  • The surest way to prevent war is not to fear it.
    • John Randolph, speech in the House of Representatives (March 5, 1806).
  • The only thing I am afraid of is fear.
  • They are slaves who fear to speak
    For the fallen and the weak.
  • Alike were they free from
    Fear, that reigns with the tyrant, and envy, the vice of republics.
  • Nothing is so much to be feared as fear.
  • One will rarely err if extreme actions be ascribed to vanity, ordinary actions to habit, and mean actions to fear.
  • The broad effects which can be obtained by punishment in man and beast are the increase of fear, the sharpening of the sense of cunning, the mastery of the desires; so it is that punishment tames man, but does not make him "better."
  • Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear — not absence of fear.
  • Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentis.
    • Whatever it is, I fear Greeks even when they bring gifts.
    • Virgil, The Aeneid, Book II, l. 49.
  • Fear not those who argue but those who dodge.
  • The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.
  • Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace.
    The soul that knows it not, know no release
    From little things;
    Knows not the livid loneliness of fear,
    Nor mountain heights where bitter joy can hear
    The sound of wings.
  • I am a member of a party of one, and I live in an age of fear. Nothing lately has unsettled my party and raised my fears so much as your editorial, on Thanksgiving Day, suggesting that employees should be required to state their beliefs in order to hold their jobs. The idea is inconsistent with our constitutional theory and has been stubbornly opposed by watchful men since the early days of the Republic.
    • E. B. White, letter to the New York Herald Tribune (November 29, 1947).
  • Fear was my father, Father Fear.
    His look drained the stones.
  • Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.
  • There is a mental fear, which provokes others of us to see the images of witches in a neighbor's yard and stampedes us to burn down this house. And there is a creeping fear of doubt, doubt of what we have been taught, of the validity of so many things we had long since taken for granted to be durable and unchanging. It has become more difficult than ever to distinguish black from white, good from evil, right from wrong.
  • It is when power is wedded to chronic fear that it becomes formidable.
  • We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason if we...remember that we are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes which were, for the moment unpopular.
  • You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."...You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
  • I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
  • Fear is an emotion that makes us blind. How many things are we afraid of? We're afraid to turn off the lights when our hands are wet. We're afraid to stick a knife into the toaster to get the stuck English muffin without unpluggin it first. We're afraid of what the doctor may tell us when the physical exam is over; when the airplane suddenly takes a great unearthly lurch in midair. We're afraid that the oil may run out, that the good air will run out, the good water, the good life. When the daughter promised to be in by eleven and it's now quarter past twelve and sleet is spatting against the window like dry sand, we sit and pretend to watch Johnny Carson and look occasionally at the mute telephone and we feel the emotion that makes us blind, the emotion that makes a stealthy ruin of the thinking process.
  • Fear makes us blind, and we touch each fear with all the avid curiousity of self-interest, trying to make a whole out of a hundred parts, like the blind men with their elephant. We sense the shape. Children grasp it easily, forget it, and relearn it as adults. The shape is there, and most of us come to realize what it is sooner or later: it is the shape of a body under a sheet. All our fears add up to one great fear, all our fears are part of that great fear - an arm, a leg, a finger, an ear. We're afraid of the body under the sheet. It's our body. And the great appeal of horror fiction through the ages is that it serves as a rehearsal for our own deaths.
  • Quite an experience, to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is to be a slave.
  • The only thing you fear is fearlessness.
    The bigger the weapon, the greater the fear.
  • Is it that they fear the pain of death, or could it be they fear the joy of life?
  • To use fear as the friend it is, we must retrain and reprogram ourselves...We must persistently and convincingly tell ourselves that the fear is here--with its gift of energy and heightened awareness--so we can do our best and learn the most in the new situation.
  • Fear. Fear attracts the fearful. The strong. The weak. The innocent. The corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally.
    • Darth Maul, promotional clip for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999).
  • Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
    • Yoda in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999).
  • The road remains wide open while your dreams are alive. Only fear can block the way. Let fear propel you forward. Do not look back. Do not let failure stifle you.
  • I don't know about angels, but it's fear that gives men wings.
  • Let the fear of a danger be a spur to prevent it: He that fears otherwise, gives advantage to the danger.
  • I must say a word about fear. It is life's only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. It is a clever, treacherous adversary, how well I know. It has no decency, respects no law or convention, shows no mercy. It goes for your weakest spot, which it finds with unerring ease. It begins in your mind, always. One moment you are feeling calm, self-possessed, happy. Then fear, disguised in the garb of mild- mannered doubt, slips into your mind like a spy. Doubt meets disbelief and disbelief tries to push it out. But disbelief is a poorly armed foot soldier. Doubt does away with it with little trouble. You become anxious. Reason comes to do battle for you. You are reassured. Reason is fully equipped with the latest weapons technology. But, to your amazement, despite superior tactics and a number of undeniable victories, reason is laid low. You feel yourself weakening, wavering. Your anxiety becomes dread. Fear next turns fully to your body, which is already aware that something terribly wrong is going on. Already your lungs have flown away like a bird and your guts have slithered away like a snake. Now your tongue drops dead like an opossum, while your jaw begins to gallop on the spot. Your ears go deaf. Your muscles begin to shiver as if they had malaria and your knees to shake as though they were dancing. Your heart strains too hard, while your sphincter relaxes too much. And so with the rest of your body. Every part of you, in the manner most suited to it, falls apart. Only your eyes work well. They always pay proper attention to fear.
    Quickly you make rash decisions. You dismiss your last allies: hope and trust. There, you've defeated yourself. Fear, which is but an impression, has triumphed over you. The matter is difficult to put into words. For fear, real fear, such as shakes you to your foundation, such as you feel when you are brought face to face with your mortal end, nestles in your memory like a gangrene: it seeks to rot everything, even the words with which to speak of it. So you must fight hard to express it. You must fight hard to shine the light of words upon it. Because if you don't, if your fear becomes a wordless darkness that you avoid, perhaps even manage to forget, you open yourself to further attacks of fear because you never truly fought the opponent who defeated you
  • Even the fear of death is nothing compared to the fear of not having lived authentically and fully.
  • I've grown certain that the root of all fear is that we've been forced to deny who we are.
  • Far too many people have been swept into the post-9/11 system of fear that is the basis of all public policy these days.
  • Take the so-called politics of fear — the constant reference to risks, from hoodies on the street corner to international terrorism. Whatever the truth of these risks and the best ways of dealing with them, the politics of fear plays on an assumption that people cannot bear the uncertainties associated with them. Politics then becomes a question of who can better deliver an illusion of control.
  • Où serait le mérite, si les héros n'avaient jamais peur?
    • Where would be the merit if heroes were never afraid?
    • Alphonse Daudet, Tartarin de Tarascon (1872); French cited from Tartarin de Tarascon (Paris: E. Flammarion, 1887), p. 204; translation from the Webster's French Thesaurus edition (San Diego: Icon, 2008), p. 80.
  • Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up.
  • Be a hero. Always say, “I have no fear.” Tell this to everyone—“Have no fear.”

The Bible[]

  • Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear.
  • When the attendant of the man of the true God rose early and went outside, he saw that an army with horses and war chariots was surrounding the city. At once the attendant said to him: “Alas, my master! What are we to do?” But he said: “Do not be afraid! For there are more who are with us than those who are with them.”
  • Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
  • The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
  • God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will we not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.
  • As the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.
  • The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
  • Be not afraid of sudden fear.
  • Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
  • There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear.


  • Now he'll outstare the lightning. To be furious
    Is to be frightened out of fear.
  • To fear the worst oft cures the worse.
  • It is a basilisk unto mine eye,
    Kills me to look on't.
  • Best safety lies in fear.
  • Where love is great, the littlest doubts are fear;
    When little fears grow great, great love grows there.
  • There is not such a word
    Spoke of in Scotland as this term of fear.
  • Thou tremblest; and the whiteness in thy cheek
    Is apter than thy tongue to tell thy errand.
  • True nobility is exempt from fear.
  • Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind;
    The thief doth fear each bush an officer.
  • O God of battles! steel my soldiers' hearts;
    Possess them not with fear; take from them now
    The sense of reckoning, if the opposèd numbers
    Pluck their hearts from them.
  • Things done well,
    And with a care, exempt themselves from fear;
    Things done without example, in their issue
    Are to be feared.
  • It is the part of men to fear and tremble,
    When the most mighty gods by tokens send
    Such dreadful heralds to astonish us.
  • For I am sick and capable of fears,
    Oppress'd with wrongs, and therefore full of fears,
    A widow, husbandless, subject to fears,
    A woman, naturally born to fears.
  • And make my seated heart knock at my ribs.
  • Present fears
    Are less than horrible imaginings.
  • Ere we will eat our meal in fear, and sleep
    In the affliction of these terrible dreams
    That shake us nightly.
  • Thou can'st not say I did it; never shake
    Thy gory locks at me.
  • You can behold such sights,
    And keep the natural ruby of your cheeks,
    When mine is blanch'd with fear.
  • His flight was madness: when our actions do not,
    Our fears do make us traitors.
  • The weariest and most loathed worldly life
    That age, ache, penury, and imprisonment
    Can lay on nature is a paradise
    To what we fear of death.
  • Or in the night, imagining some fear,
    How easy is a bush suppos'd a bear!
  • Extreme fear can neither fight nor fly.
  • To fear the foe, since fear oppresseth strength,
    Gives in your weakness strength unto your foe.
  • Truly the souls of men are full of dread:
    Ye cannot reason almost with a man
    That looks not heavily and full of fear.
  • They spake not a word;
    But, like dumb statues or breathing stones,
    Gazed each on other, and look'd deadly pale.
  • I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins,
    That almost freezes up the heat of life.

Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations[]

Quotes reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 267-70.
  • No one loves the man whom he fears.
  • Crux est si metuas quod vincere nequeas.
    • It is tormenting to fear what you cannot overcome.
    • Ausonius, Septem Sapientum Sententiæ Septenis Versibus Explicatæ, VII. 4.
  • The brave man is not he who feels no fear,
    For that were stupid and irrational;
    But he, whose noble soul its fear subdues,
    And bravely dares the danger nature shrinks from.
  • An aching tooth is better out than in,
    To lose a rotten member is a gain.
  • Dangers bring fears, and fears more dangers bring.
  • The fear o' hell's the hangman's whip
    To laud the wretch in order;
    But where ye feel your honor grip,
    Let that aye be your border.
  • Fear is an ague, that forsakes
    And haunts, by fits, those whom it takes;
    And they'll opine they feel the pain
    And blows they felt, to-day, again.
  • His fear was greater than his haste:
    For fear, though fleeter than the wind,
    Believes 'tis always left behind.
  • In summo periculo timor misericordiam non recipit.
    • In extreme danger fear feels no pity.
    • Julius Caesar, Bellum Gallicum, VII. 26.
  • El miedo tiene muchos ojos.
  • Timor non est diuturnus magister officii.
    • Fear is not a lasting teacher of duty.
    • Cicero, Philippicæ, II. 36.
  • Like one, that on a lonesome road
    Doth walk in fear and dread,
    And having once turned round, walks on,
    And turns no more his head;
    Because he knows a frightful fiend
    Doth close behind him tread.
  • His frown was full of terror, and his voice
    Shook the delinquent with such fits of awe
    As left him not, till penitence had won
    Lost favor back again, and clos'd the breach.
  • The clouds dispell'd, the sky resum'd her light,
    And Nature stood recover'd of her fright.
    But fear, the last of ills, remain'd behind,
    And horror heavy sat on every mind.
  • We are not apt to fear for the fearless, when we are companions in their danger.
    • George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss (1860), Book VII, Chapter V.
  • Fear always springs from ignorance.
  • Fear is the parent of cruelty.
  • Quia me vestigia terrent
    Omnia te adversum spectantia, nulla retrorsum.
    • I am frightened at seeing all the footprints directed towards thy den, and none returning.
    • Horace, Epistles, I. 1. 74.
  • You are uneasy, * * * you never sailed with me before, I see.
  • Shame arises from the fear of men, conscience from the fear of God.
  • De loin, c'est quelque chose; et de prés, ce n'est rien.
    • From a distance it is something; and nearby it is nothing.
    • Jean de La Fontaine, Fables, IV. 10.
  • Major ignotarum rerum est terror.
    • Apprehensions are greater in proportion as things are unknown.
    • Livy, Annales, XXVIII. 44.
  • Oh, fear not in a world like this,
    And thou shalt know ere long,—
    Know how sublime a thing it is
    To suffer and be strong.
  • They are slaves who fear to speak
    For the fallen and the weak.
  • The direst foe of courage is the fear itself, not the object of it; and the man who can overcome his own terror is a hero and more.
  • Wink and shut their apprehensions up.
  • The thing in the world I am most afraid of is fear, and with good reason; that passion alone, in the trouble of it, exceeding all other accidents.
  • Imagination frames events unknown,
    In wild, fantastic shapes of hideous ruin,
    And what it fears creates.
  • Quem metuit quisque, perisse cupit.
    • Every one wishes that the man whom he fears would perish.
    • Ovid, Amorum (16 BC), II. 2. 10.
  • Membra reformidant mollem quoque saucia tactum:
    Vanaque sollicitis incutit umbra metum.
    • The wounded limb shrinks from the slightest touch; and a slight shadow alarms the nervous.
    • Ovid, Epistolæ Ex Ponto, II. 7. 13.
  • Terretur minimo pennæ stridore columba
    Unguibus, accipiter, saucia facta tuis.
    • The dove, O hawk, that has once been wounded by thy talons, is frightened by the least movement of a wing.
    • Ovid, Tristium, I. 1. 75.
  • Then flash'd the living lightning from her eyes,
    And screams of horror rend th' affrighted skies,
    Not louder shrieks to pitying Heaven are cast,
    When husbands, or when lap dogs, breathe their last;
    Or when rich China vessels fallen, from high,
    In glittering dust and painted fragments lie.
  • A lamb appears a lion, and we fear
    Each bush we see's a bear.
  • Fain would I climb, yet fear I to fall.
    • Sir Walter Raleigh, written on a window pane for Queen Elizabeth to see. She wrote under it "If thy heart fails thee, climb not at all." Thomas Fuller, Worthies of England, Volume I, p. 419.
  • Ad deteriora credenda proni metu.
  • Ubi explorari vera non possunt, falsa per metum augentur.
    • When the truth cannot be clearly made out, what is false is increased through fear.
    • Quintus Curtius Rufus, De Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni, IV, 10, 10.
  • Ubi intravit animos pavor, id solum metuunt, quod primum formidare cœperunt.
    • When fear has seized upon the mind, man fears that only which he first began to fear.
    • Quintus Curtius Rufus, De Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni, IV, 16, 17.
  • Quem neque gloria neque pericula excitant, nequidquam hortere; timor animi auribus officit.
    • The man who is roused neither by glory nor by danger it is in vain to exhort; terror closes the ears of the mind.
    • Sallust, Catilina, LVIII.
  • Wer nichts fürchtet ist nicht weniger mächtig, als der, den Alles fürchtet.
    • The man who fears nothing is not less powerful than he who is feared by every one.
    • Friedrich Schiller, Die Räuber, I. 1.
  • Wenn ich einmal zu fürchten angefangen
    Hab' ich zu fürchten aufgehört.
    • As soon as I have begun to fear I have ceased to fear.
    • Friedrich Schiller, Don Carlos, I. 6. 68.
  • Ich weiss, dass man vor leeren Schrecken zittert;
    Doch wahres Unglück bringt der falsche Wahn.
    • I know that oft we tremble at an empty terror, but the false phantasm brings a real misery.
    • Friedrich Schiller, Piccolomini, V. 1. 105.
  • Scared out of his seven senses.
  • Necesse est multos timeat, quem multi timent.
    • He must necessarily fear many, whom many fear.
    • Seneca, De Ira, II. 11.
  • Si vultis nihil timere, cogitate omnia esse timenda.
    • If you wish to fear nothing, consider that everything is to be feared.
    • Seneca, Quæstionum Naturalium, VI. 2.
  • Tunc plurima versat
    Pessimus in dubiis augur timor.
    • Then fear, the very worst prophet in misfortunes, anticipates many evils.
    • Statius, Thebais, III. 5.
  • Primus in orbe deos fecit timor.
    • Fear in the world first created the gods.
    • Statius, Thebais, III. 661.
  • Do you think I was born in a wood to be afraid of an owl?
  • Etiam fortes viros subitis terreri.
    • Even the bravest men are frightened by sudden terrors.
    • Tacitus, Annales (AD 117), XV. 59.
  • Bello in si bella vistà anco è l'orrore,
    E di mezzo la tema esce il diletto.
    • Horror itself in that fair scene looks gay,
      And joy springs up e'en in the midst of fear.
    • Torquato Tasso, Gerusalemme, XX. 30.
  • Fear
    Stared in her eyes, and chalk'd her face.
  • Desponding Fear, of feeble fancies full,
    Weak and unmanly, loosens every power.
  • Il faut tout attendre et tout craindre du temps et des hommes.
  • Obstupui, steteruntque comæ, et vox faucibus hæsit.
    • I was astounded, my hair stood on end, and my voice stuck in my throat.
    • Virgil, Æneid (29-19 BC), II. 774, and III. 48.
  • Degeneres animos timor arguit.
    • Fear is the proof of a degenerate mind.
    • Virgil, Æneid (29-19 BC), IV. 13.
  • Pedibus timor addidit alas.
    • Fear gave wings to his feet.
    • Virgil, Æneid (29-19 BC), VIII. 224.
  • Full twenty times was Peter feared,
    For once that Peter was respected.
  • Less base the fear of death than fear of life.
    • Edward Young, Night Thoughts (1742-1745), Night V, line 441.

Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895)[]

Quotes reported in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895).

  • He has but one great fear that fears to do wrong.
  • When you have overcome one temptation, you must be ready to enter the lists with another. As distrust, in some sense, is the mother of safety, so security is the gate of danger. A man had need to fear this most of all, that he fears not at all.
  • There is a virtuous fear, which is the effect of faith; and there is a vicious fear, which is the product of doubt. The former leads to hope, as relying on God, in whom we believe; the latter inclines to despair, as not relying on God, in whom we do not believe. Persons of the one character fear to lose God; persons of the other character fear to find Him.
  • Nothing so demoralizes the forces of the soul as fear. Only as we realize the presence of the Lord does fear give place to faith.
  • It is only the fear of God that can deliver us from the fear of man.


  • Any wise enemy is better than an ignorant friend.
    • Traditional Arabic proverb.
  • Be ignorance thy choice, where knowledge leads to woe.
  • A large segment of the American public is sadly deficient in its knowledge of basic business and economic facts of life. The media, which many people say are their primary sources of their business and economic info, do not appear to be making any significant impact on this ignorance.
    • Frank Bennack, Jr., CEO of Hearst Corporation in 1984 (source: No Comment!. p. 59. ISBN 0275928209.).
  • For "ignorance is the mother of devotion," as all the world knows.
    • Robert Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy (1621), Part III, Section IV. Memb. 1. Subsect. 2. Phrase used by Dr. Cole, Disputation with the Papists at Westminster, March 31, 1559. Quoted from Cole by Bishop Jewel, Works, Volume III, Part II, p. 1202. Quoted as a "Popish maxim" by Thomas Vincent, Explicatory Catechism, Epistle to the Reader (c. 1622). Said by Jeremy Taylor, To a person newly converted to the Church of England (1657). Same found in New Custome. I. I. A Morality printed 1573. (True devotion).
  • The truest characters of ignorance
    Are vanity, and pride, and annoyance.
  • A truly refined mind will seem to be ignorant of the existence of anything that is not perfectly proper, placid, and pleasant.
    • Charles Dickens, Little Dorrit, Ch. 5 - Something Wrong Somewhere (1855-1857).
  • To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge.
  • Mr. Kremlin himself was distinguished for ignorance, for he had only one idea, and that was wrong.
  • Ignorance never settles a question.
  • For your ignorance is the mother of your devotion to me.
  • Ignorance gives one a large range of probabilities.
  • Ignorance of one’s misfortunes is clear gain.
  • Ignorance is the dominion of absurdity.
  • Es ist nichts schrecklicher als eine tätige Unwissenheit.
    • Nothing is worse than active ignorance.
    • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Frederick Ungar, ed., Goethe's World View Presented in His Reflections and Maxims (1963), p. 58–59.
  • There are, however, some potentates I would kill by any and all means at my disposal. They are Ignorance, Superstition, and Bigotry — the most sinister and tyrannical rulers on earth.
    • Emma Goldman, responding to audience questions during a speech in Detroit (1898); as recounted in Living My Life (1931), p. 207; quoted by Annie Laurie Gaylor in Women Without Superstition, p. 382.
  • And his best riches, ignorance of wealth.
  • To each his suff’rings; all are men,
    Condemn’d alike to groan, -
    The tender for another’s pain,
    Th’ unfeeling for his own.
    Yet ah! why should they know their fate,
    Since sorrow never comes too late,
    And happiness too swiftly flies?
    Thought would destroy their paradise.
    No more; where ignorance is bliss,
    ’Tis folly to be wise
    • Thomas Gray, repr. In Poetical Works, ed. J. Rogers (1953). Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College, stanza 10 (written 1742, published 1747). [[1]]
  • Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong.
  • If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.
  • Bigotry is the disease of ignorance, of morbid minds; enthusiasm of the free and buoyant. Education & free discussion are the antidotes of both.
  • Ignorance, madam, pure ignorance.
    • Samuel Johnson, in reply to the lady who asked why "pastern" was defined in the dictionary as "the knee of the horse". Boswell's Life of Johnson, (1755).
  • He that voluntarily continues ignorant is guilty of all the crimes which ignorance produces.
    • Samuel Johnson, reported in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895), p. 336.
  • So long as the mother, Ignorance, lives, it is not safe for Science, the offspring, to divulge the hidden causes of things.
  • Ignorance plays the chief part among men, and the multitude of words; but opportunity will prevail.
  • He said that there was one only good, namely, knowledge; and one only evil, namely, ignorance.
    • Diogenes Laërtius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, "Socrates", xiv
    • Variant: The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.
  • He declared that he knew nothing, except the fact of his ignorance.
  • Bring your ignorance to the Holy Spirit, the great teacher, who by His precious truth will lead you into all truth.
    • William Paton Mackay, reported in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895), p. 337.
  • To be ignorant of one's own ignorance is to be in an unprogressive, uninspired state of existence.
  • It's innocence when it charms us, ignorance when it doesn't.
  • There are three degrees of comparison: stupido, stupidissimo, and tenore.
    • Pietro Mascagni, in Scott Beach, Musicdotes, (Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 1977), p. 94.
  • Ignorance is the parent of fear.
  • Not to know me argues yourselves unknown,
    The lowest of your throng.
  • The living man who does not learn, is dark, dark, like one walking in the night.
    • Ming-hsin pao-chien ("Precious Mirror for Enlightening the Heart") (compiled c. 1393 by Fan Li-pen). Translation for Chinese Repository by Dr. William Milne.
  • All wisdom is folly that does not accommodate itself to the common ignorance.
  • Knowledge and truth may be in us without judgment, and judgment also without them; but the confession of ignorance is one of the finest and surest testimonies of judgment that I know.
  • People who don't know any better will always be in the dark because the power lies in the hands of men who take good care that ordinary folk don't understand, in the hands, that is, of the government, of the clerical party, of the capitalists.
  • From ignorance our comfort flows.
    The only wretched are the wise.
  • Scientia non habet inimicum nisi ignorantem
    • Knowledge has no enemy except an ignorant man
    • George Puttenham, The Arte of English Poesie (1589), excerpted and translated in Wayne A. Rebhorn, ed., Renaissance Debates on Rhetoric.
  • Ignorance is death. A closed mind is a catafalque.
    • Anna Quindlen, How Reading Changed My Life, (New York: Ballantine Books, 1998), p. 69.
  • If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face.
  • Everybody is ignorant; only on different subjects.
    • Will Rogers. Paula McSpadden Love, The Will Rogers Book (1972), p. 119. The author was a niece of Will Rogers, and curator of the Will Rogers Memorial in Claremore, Oklahoma.
  • Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made stupid by education.
    • Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy (1945), Book Three, Part II, Chapter XXI: Currents of Thought in the Nineteenth Century, p. 722.
  • So oft in theologic wars,
    The disputants, I ween,
    Rail on in utter ignorance
    Of what each other mean,
    And prate about an Elephant
    Not one of them has seen!
    • John Godfrey Saxe, "The Blind Men and the Elephant," moral, The Poetical Works of John Godfrey Saxe (1887), p. 112. While Saxe said this was a Hindu fable, the story may be found in The Udna, or The Solemn Utterances of the Buddha, chapter 6, section 4, trans. Dawsonne M. Strong, p. 93–96 (1902).
  • Ignorance is degrading only when found in company with riches. The poor man is restrained by poverty and need: labour occupies his thoughts, and takes the place of knowledge. But rich men who are ignorant live for their lusts only, and are like the beasts of the field, as may be seen every day; and they can also be reproached for not having used wealth and leisure for that which gives them their greatest value.
    • Schopenhauer, “On books and reading,” Religion: a dialogue, and other essays, T.B. Saunders, trans. (1910)
  • O thou monster, Ignorance, how deformed dost thou look!
  • The common curse of mankind, - folly and ignorance.
  • "Man," I cried, "how ignorant art thou in thy pride of wisdom!"
  • Madam, thou errest: I say, there is no darkness, but ignorance; in which thou art more puzzled, than the Egyptians in their fog.
  • If one neglects the laws of learning, a sentence is imposed that he is forever chained to his ignorance.
  • Ignorant men
    Don't know what good they hold in their hands until
    They've flung it away.
    • Sophocles, "Ajax", trans. John Moore, in David Grene and Richmond Lattimore, eds., The Complete Greek Tragedies (1959), vol. 2, p. 250. There have been numerous translations of this play by Sophocles, with varying translations of these words, spoken by the character Tecmessa. The translation by George Young, The Dramas of Sophocles, p. 102 (1888) reads, "Men of perverse opinion do not know / The excellence of what is in their hands,/ Till some one dash it from them".
  • There's nothing as safe as ignorance - or as dangerous.
  • Ignorance is the mother of devotion.
  • Blind and naked Ignorance
    Delivers brawling judgments, unashamed,
    On all things all day long.
  • I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance. Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone. The whole theory of modern education is radically unsound. Fortunately in England, at any rate, education produces no effect whatsoever. If it did, it would prove a serious danger to the upper classes, and probably lead to acts of violence in Grosvenor Square.
    • Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, Act I, spoken by Lady Bracknell (1895).
  • Causarum ignoratio in re nova mirationem facit.
    • In extraordinary events ignorance of their causes produces astonishment.
    • Cicero, De Divinatione, II. 22.
  • Ignoratione rerum bonarum et malarum maxime hominum vita vexatur.
    • Through ignorance of what is good and what is bad, the life of men is greatly perplexed.
    • Cicero, De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum, I. 13.
  • Non me pudet fateri nescire quod nesciam.
    • I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know.
    • Cicero, Tusc. Quæst. I. 25. 60.
  • Ignorance seldom vaults into knowledge, but passes into it through an intermediate state of obscurity, even as night into day through twilight.
  • Ignorance gives one a large range of probabilities.
  • Es ist nichts schrecklicher als eine thätige Unwissenheit.
  • It was a childish ignorance,
    But now 'tis little joy
    To know I'm further off from heaven
    Than when I was a boy.
  • Rien n'est si dangereux qu'un ignorant ami:
    Mieux vaudrait un sage ennemi.
    • Nothing is so dangerous as an ignorant friend; a wise enemy is worth more.
    • Jean de La Fontaine, Fables, VIII. 10.
  • A man may live long, and die at last in ignorance of many truths, which his mind was capable of knowing, and that with certainty.
    • John Locke, Human Understanding, Book I, Chapter II.
  • But let a man know that there are things to be known, of which he is ignorant, and it is so much carved out of his domain of universal knowledge.
  • Quod latet ignotum est; ignoti nulla cupido.
    • What is hid is unknown: for what is unknown there is no desire.
    • Ovid, Ars Amatoria, III. 397.
  • It is better to be unborn than untaught: for ignorance is the root of misfortune.
  • Etiam illud quod scies nesciveris;
    Ne videris quod videris.
    • Know not what you know, and see not what you see.
    • Plautus, Miles Gloriosus, II. 6. 89.
  • Illi mors gravis incubat qui notus nimis omnibus ignotus moritur sibi.
    • Death presses heavily on that man, who, being but too well known to others, dies in ignorance of himself.
    • Seneca, Thyestes, CCCCI.
  • The more we study, we the more discover our ignorance.
  • Omne ignotum pro magnifico est.
    • Everything unknown is magnified.
    • Tacitus, Agricola, XXX. Quoting Galgacus, the British leader, to his subjects before the battle of the Grampian Hills. Ritter says the sentence may be a "marginal gloss" and brackets it. Anticipated by Thucydides, Speech of Nicias, VI. 11. 4.
  • Homine imperito nunquam quidquid injustius,
    Qui nisi quod ipse facit nihil rectum putat.
    • Nothing can be more unjust than the ignorant man, who thinks that nothing is well done by himself.
    • Terence, Adelphi, I. 2. 18.
  • Namque inscitia est,
    Adversum stimulum calces.
    • It is consummate ignorance to kick against the pricks.
    • Terence, Phormio, I. 2. 27.